Govt. accommodation for the employees recruited after 15-01-2015

                            It became a very serious issue for the Punjab Government to provide Government accommodation facility to the regular employees of the state who joined after 15-01-2015. This was because employees who were recruited after the said date, only the minimum of pay band or labour wages were being paid to them. 

                          To provide Govt. accommodation facility, State Govt. had issued instructions through their letter No.7/61/2017-3FP1/734 Dated: 29-08-2017. The newly recruited regular employees could avail of the government accommodation facility by deducting a license fee of @5% of the basic pay plus a percentage of House Rent Allowance as permissible to the confirmed employees at their station of posting. 

This can be easily understood by an example provided below:- 

                        Suppose an employee joined as a clerk in the pay scale of 1030-34800+3200 grade pay on 12-12-18. Government accommodation of 2BHK we can say TYPE-2 was allotted to him. Suppose minimum requirement of the pay scale to avail TYPE-2 quarter is 10300-34800+3200, Then in this case license fee will be calculated as:- 

License fee= (13500+675 IR)* 5% + (13500+675 IR)*20% =3544/- per month. 

(As minimum basic pay in the scale of 10300-34800+3200 is 13500 and 5% IR is applicable from 01-01-17. Also, we are assuming 20% house rent is admissible to the confirmed employees of the Punjab Govt. 

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You can also read Everything about Pension?Direct Recruitment after 15-01-15

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