Dear Followers, Through this article we are going to start with some frequently asked questions. There are some doubts in the mind of every employee. To clear those doubts we will provide solutions to those questions. We hope it will help you a lot.
1. Why an increment which is 3 percent of Basic pay is always rounded off to the next multiple of 10?
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Frequently Asked Questions |
1. Why an increment which is 3 percent of Basic pay is always rounded off to the next multiple of 10?
Ans: According to rule 9 of the Punjab Civil Service Revised pay rules,2009, the rate of increment in the revised pay structure will be 3 percent of the sum of the pay in the pay band and grade pay applicable, which will be rounded off to the next multiple of 10. So if during the calculation of 3 percent on the basic pay if you get the result in fractions like 420.10 or 550.60 then it will be rounded off to the next multiple of 10 as 430 and 560. As a proof, you can check illustrations annexed at last of Revised pay rules,2009.
Q2. From what date medical allowance had become admissible to Punjab Government employees?
Ans: Medical allowance became admissible from the Punjab Pay Commission and on 1-1-1996 its amount was Rupees 150. From 1-1-1998 this amount raises to Rupees 250 by the Fourth Punjab Pay Commission. This amount further raised to Rupees 350 by finance department circular No.5/22/97-FP1/6580, dated 31-10-2006 w.e.f 01-01-2006. After this, the Fifth Punjab Pay commission again increases this amount to Rupees 500 per month from 01-08-2009.
Q3. Does pay of a semi Government employee will be protected on selection in state government through a proper channel?
Ans: The straight answer to the question is No. Also, the Punjab Government has issued a notification in this regard too. Pay of semi-government employees (means employees of boards or corporations) will not be protected on selection in Punjab Government through proper channel, because they do not draw their salary from the consolidated fund of India.
Q4. What is the effect of without pay leave (Extra Ordinary leave) on Government service?
Ans: Various effects of Without pay leave on government service are as follows:-
- Period of extraordinary leave does not count for increments means you increment date will be changed if you will take this leave for one month or more as per rule 4.9(b)(ii).
- Also, you Assured career progression benefit will also be extended for the period of extraordinary leave taken as per Govt. instructions No.7/14/2011-1PP1/117 Dated: 6-2-2014.
- Period of extraordinary leave does not countable for qualifying service as per chapter 3 of Punjab Civil Service Rules Volume 2.
Q5. How will you treat a person of transgender sex?
Ans: A person with transgender sex will be considered male as per explanation below rule 3.1 of the Punjab Civil Service volume 1 part 1.
Q6. If an employee refuses promotion and debarred for two years. Will he get the benefit of ACP or not?
Ans: As per rule 4.8 of Punjab Civil Service Rules volume 1 part 1, a Government employee, who forgoes promotion offered to him, shall not be eligible for benefits under the Assured Career Progression Scheme.
As we know as per rule 18(2) of common condition rules 1994, In the event of refusal to accept promotion by a member of a service, he shall be debarred by the appointing authority from consideration for promotion for all the consecutive chances which may occur in future within a period of two years from the date of such refusal to accept promotion. So after two years of debarred period, as an employee becomes eligible for promotion, therefore, he is also entitled to the benefit of 4,9,14 ACP. But the period of 4 years will be countable from the date when he became eligible for promotion after the debarred period of two years.
Q7. What is the meaning of reduction to a lower stage in his own scale of pay?
Ans: The punishment of reduction to a lower stage in his own scale of pay comes under the Major Penalties of Punishment and Appeal Rules,1970. Reduction to a lower stage in his own scale of pay means if an employee's scale is 10300-34800+4400 and drawing basic pay 18450 then his pay scale will not be altered, only basic pay will be stepped back to previous year's basic pay.
Q8: If a female has joined Govt. service on 10.12.2015 and she takes maternity leave from 1-9-17 to 28-2-2018. When will she get a full salary and what is the next date of increment?
Ans: The probation period of a female Government employee will clear from the due date that is from 10-12-2017 because as per Government instructions dated 20-06-2018, she has not taken leave more than 6 months during the probation period. Whereas she will get full salary from the date of Joining after availing her maternity leave as per rule 8.122(1) of Punjab Civil Service Rules volume-1 part-1. First Increment will be given on 1-12-2018 and so on.
Q9: Can a clerk get promoted as Junior Assistant after five years of service?
Ans: First of all you should know that the post of Junior Assistant is acquired by placement and not by promotion. The posts of clerks including senior clerks and junior assistants in a cadre existing on first January 1996, shall be divided into the posts of clerks in the scale of 3120-5160(5910-20200+1900) and Junior Assistants in the scale of 4400-7000(5910-20200+2800) in the ratio of 50:50. The post of Junior Assistant shall be filled up by the placement to the extent of 100% from amongst the clerks who have an experience of working as such for a minimum period of 5 years in the cadre of the department in which he was working at the time of placement.
Q10: Can maternity leave may also be granted in case of miscarriage and abortion?
Ans: As per Note 2 below rule 8.127(a), maternity leave may also be granted to a female government employee in case of miscarriage and abortion if she has less than two living children.
Ans: As per Note 2 below rule 8.127(a), maternity leave may also be granted to a female government employee in case of miscarriage and abortion if she has less than two living children.
Q11: Maximum how many casual leaves can be taken at a time?
Ans: According to Appendix 17 of the Punjab CSR Volume1 part 1, an employee may remain continuously absent from duty for a maximum of 16 days. In this 16 days spell he will be permitted to include holidays that will not be debited to his casual leave account.
Q12: What is a qualifying service?
Ans: Qualifying service means the service that countable towards pension. According to rule 3.8 of the Punjab CSR volume 2, the service of every Government employee begins to qualify for the pension when he takes the charge of the post to which he is first appointed.
Q13: Can anyone join Government service without presenting a certificate of fitness?
Ans: As per rule 3.1 of the Punjab Civil Service Rules volume 1 part 1, no person may be appointed in India to a post, in Government service without a medical certificate of health.
Q14: How suspension allowance should be released to a suspended government employee?
Ans: Before releasing suspension allowance or subsistence allowance to a suspended government employee a certificate should be taken from him that he is not engaged in any other employment, business, profession or vocation(Rule 7.2(2) of the Punjab CSR Volume 1 part 1).
Q15: What allowances are not admissible to the employee under suspension?
Ans: As per rule 7.2(1)(ii)(a) of the Punjab CSR volume 1 part 1, a subsistence allowance at an amount equal to the leave salary which the Government employee would have drawn if he had been on leave on half-pay, and in addition dearness allowance, if admissible, on the basis of such leave salary. In other words, we can say that conveyance allowance, mobile allowance and washing allowance is not admissible during the suspension.
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Sir, I am serving as Fireman (Group C) in Fire & Rescue Services, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh since 08.01.2007 on regular basis. The Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh is followed the Punjab Civil Services, Rules. Therefore, it may please be clarified whether I can appear in this exam.
ReplyDeletesir if i change my job from punjab govt to punjab corporation, then my pay will be protected or not?