2. These decisions shall be effective from 1-1-1996 and apply to all categories of the State Government employees governed by the Punjab Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 (hereinafter referred as the Rules, 1998) except in respect of the following
i) Such categories of employees who have been allowed three or more grade structure of pay scales under the Rules, 1998;
ii) Categories of employees for whom benefit of career progression is/was already available under any Rules and instructions notified earlier.
In case an employee who has opted to get his pay fixed from a date after 1-1-1996 under Rule 6 of the Rules 1998, these decisions will be applicable from the date opted for by him. Such employee may give a fresh option in writing within two months from the date of issue of this letter to get his pay fixed from a date earlier than the
one already opted, if that is to his advantage. Service rendered in the same post before 1-1-1996 or the date opted for by an employee shall count for the purposes of these decisions subject to the conditions stated hereinafter.
3. i) After a service of 8 years in a post or posts in the same 'Cadre' (hereinafter referred as the same post) an employee, who is not promoted to the next higher level on account of non-availability of a vacancy at such higher level or non-existence of a promotional level in the 'Cadre' shall be granted the pay scale which is next higher in the hierarchy of pay scales given in Column No. 3 of the 'First Schedule' annexed to Rules, 1998. If on 1-1-1996 or the date opted under Rule 6 of Rules, 1998 an employee becomes entitled to a higher pay scale on account of protection under the said rules he shall be granted such higher pay scale.
ii) On the grant of higher pay scale as in sub-para (i) above the pay of the employee shall be fixed at the next higher stage in the master scale and he shall be allowed next increment from the date he would have earned his next increment had he continued in the lower pay scale. If the minimum of the higher scale is higher than the stage arrived at, his pay shall be fixed at such minimum and next increment shall be allowed after qualifying service of 12 months.
iii) A proficiency Step-up shall be granted to such an employee after 16 years of service and a Second Proficiency Step-up shall be granted after 24 years of service if the employee still continues in the same post. Service rendered by an employee in the lower and higher pay scale granted as per (i) above shall be reckoned as service in the same post for this purpose.
iv) In case an employee continues to serve in the same post even after 32 years of service he shall be placed in the next higher pay scale in the hierarchy of pay scales as Indicated in Column 3 of the 'First Schedule' annexed to the Rules, 1998 and his pay shall be fixed as mentioned in sub para (ii) above.
v) Pay of an employee who was in service before 1-1-1996 shall be first fixed in the revised pay scale admissible to him under Rules, 1998 and then regulated as under
a) An employee who has rendered 8 years but less than 16 years service in the same post and has availed benefit of one proficiency step-up under the existing instructions shall be placed in the higher scale without benefit of any increment i.e. his pay will be fixed at the same stage in the master scale, since he has received one progression and has received accumulated benefit at the time of the pay fixation in lower revised scale. He shall be treated to have been placed in the higher scale on the date he was given the proficiency step-up. He shall be eligible for further benefits under this scheme as per (iii) and (iv) above.
b) An employee who has completed 16 years of service but less than 18 years of service in the same post and has been allowed benefit of one proficiency step-up under the existing instructions shall be placed in the higher scale after giving him benefit of one increment. He shall be deemed to have been placed in the higher scale after 8 years service and granted first proficiency step-up after 16 years service. He shall be eligible for second proficiency step-up and grant of higher pay scale as per (iii) and (iv) above.
c) An employee who has completed 18 years of service in the same post and has been allowed benefit of two proficiency steps-up under the existing instructions shall be placed in the higher scale without benefit of increment by adjusting this proficiency step-up granted after 8 years of service. He shall be notionally treated to have been placed in the higher pay scale after 8 years and granted first proficiency step-up after 16 years. He shall be eligible for second proficiency step-up and placement in higher scale when he completes 24 years and 32 years in the same post.
vi) If an employee is promoted to the next higher promotional post in the regular way at any time before one of the benefits under this scheme becomes due, the grant of such benefits shall stand postponed accordingly and shall be granted after completion of service of 8 years in such promotional post. If the promotion of an employee to higher post occurs after having got placement in higher scale of the proficiency step-up/ steps-up under this scheme, the benefit of only one increment instead of two increments normally admissible on promotion shall be given in fixing His pay in the scale of pay of the promotional post;
vii) An employee shall be entitled to a maximum of two placements in higher scale and a maximum of two proficiency step-up in his entire service career under this scheme.
4. i) Placement in higher scale and proficiency steps-up under this policy shall be granted
only to those employees whose overall service record is adjudged as 'good'. If a departmental test is prescribed or acquisition of higher qualification is a pre-requisite for promotion to the higher level then only those employees who clear such test or acquire such qualifications would be eligible for benefits under this ACP scheme;
ii) On placement to the next higher scale under this scheme an employee would continue to do the same work with same designation. There will be no need for creation of any separate posts etc. and the employee shall remain on the strength of the same cadre.
iii) The Competent Authority for grant of benefits under this scheme shall be the same as in' the case of promotion. Representations/Appeals against the grant of higher pay scale/proficiency steps-up under this scheme shall also lie in the same manner as in • the case of promotion.
iv) As a necessary corollary to this decision the existing system of proficiency step-up(s) shall undergo a change to the extent indicated above. Other existing conditions governing the grant of proficiency step-up(s) already notified shall continue to be applicable mutatis mutandis in accordance with the above orders. The cases of proficiency steps-up which fell due prior to 1-1-1996 or the date opted for by an employee shall be settled according to the then prevalent instructions.
v) All senior/selection grades sanctioned to the categories of employees to whom these orders apply shall stand abolished with effect from the date of implementation of this decision.
Copy of Punjab Government circular letter No. 7/37/98-5PPI/12851, dated 25th Sept., 1998